Website Introduction
What we hope to find in this website are crucial discoveries of vital facts, such as the possibility of everlasting life and how it is obtained; that our thought-life and the most credible and useful literature on earth are key and from it learn that morality and character must point to a moral Lawgiver, the Way and the Truth and Life – the only way to God the Father. Even the possibility of a significant difference between afterlife and everlasting life overlooked. Even the denial of facts such as these just mentioned, will get a fair attempt to be examined. In suspecting plain sarcasm, for example, the incongruent will discover that, if ever there was an epiplexis in genuine [agape] love, it is Jesus’ poignant rhetoric question in Mk 12:24 and the very plausible life-lesson in Lk 16:8 completely over our heads (expanded on in the meditation “The Testimony”). And yes, we should most certainly take very careful note of Rev 22:18-19.
Meditations on these and some other fundamental issues are listed by their titles in the index and briefly mentioned in the introductory notes. The crux of this all is that God is, and that this God is a consuming fire but Love, and in this love, we hope to find these truths in order to get closer to God Triune.
We brazenly [foolishly] talk about rights that we have, for example, seemingly without realizing the logical absurdity of the claim that our merit, if any, before it existed, could result in conception [life] before our components have existed. What we probably try to imply is the privilege (and thus not a right). There is only One Who’s right it is (Ezekiel 21:27)!
Let’s try to be open and honest and read through these meditations of a simple man that stand to be corrected (by the scriptures he quotes – 2 Tim 3:16-17). Take note of where we are spiritually, measured by Heb 6:1-3. This should be sobering.
What if religion (religiousness) is a hindrance to really getting closer to God?
Shocked by this idea?
Let’s examine, and look out for, camouflaged self-righteousness, hypocrisy, ignorance [being indoctrinated by false teachings and dogma and worst of all, our own superficial understanding] and empty rituals, dead formalism (Heb 6:1), ceremony and stale traditions and see if such bigotry can be true. Hear Jesus in Mt 15:6-9; 23:3-7,13-15,25-28… In 1 Cor 8:1 Paul warns that knowledge puffs up, but love edifies and builds up and encourages one to grow to his full stature. Hosea and Jeremiah already, saw people destroyed for a lack of knowledge – ironically, to a large extent because of the false priests [teachers] (Hos 4:4; Jer 23:31; 29:8-9). The aim for this author then changes to rather obtain nearness to God by means of love (Rom 12:9; 1 Jn 4:8) than imagining ourselves learned and skillful and so conjure up another god than the one true triune Father, Son and Spirit. Carefully consider Paul’s statements [observation] in Rom 1:21-22 (Rom 1:16-32) and 1 Cor 1:18-31. This requires deep and serious thought. We will examine this on this website, so please read on.
Another hindrance to getting closer to God is fear of His holiness, of His judgement on sin that we don’t want to lay down. Not the healthy reverential fear [awe, respect] relating to the reciprocating love of a child that does not want to hurt [grief, disappoint] a perfect Father-God that is a Spirit (Jn 4:23,24) but fear for the most powerful, omnipotent being felt as terror, dread, distress, panic due to our impurity compared to His perfection (Lk 12:4-5; Heb 12:28-29). And this is certainly a real problem for the unrepentive sinner that can be sure that to not repent [change to God’s will] will make one meet the wrath of our most holy Creator and God (2 Thess 1:7-8; Rev 21:8). For a sound discernment we have to get a better and more accurate understanding [knowledge] of God, such as His grace, His mercy and His Love but certainly not a false fuzzy feeling contradicting The Gospel by ignoring or condoning what is an abhorrence to God. Our only true Mediator, Savior and example is Jesus Christ (refer to the meditations “Who is Jesus Christ”, “The Gospel”, et al. Even Rom 10:1-4)
The writings of the apostles tell us that imputation of the righteousness of Christ is given to us if we receive Christ. This means that it is not just the vicarious death of Jesus that had no sin yet paid for all our sin but the imputation of His sinless, perfectly obedient life [legitimate as a human representative] from His birth to His crucifixion as well and this is imputed upon us if we receive Christ. To get a glimpse of God’s mercy, grace and Love, see His real imputation of His righteousness when we surrender our pride and futile self-righteousness to Him (Jn 3:3,16-21; Phil 3:9). This is by no means an “illegal imputation”, but very real indeed (Heb 9:16-18-28). Ponder 1 Cor 15:45. God clothed Adam and Eve to cover their shame, and so can we be sanctified when we put on Christ (Gen 3:21; Is 61:10; 1 Cor 15:45; 1 Jn 2:1-2; Rom 8:26,27,30-39; 13:14).
Jn 14:6 also hints to us what a mistake it is to think we can get closer to God while in falseness. Even not just spiritual decay or reckless ruthlessness, but apathy, neglect and spiritual indolence is probably as serious a sin (Jn 16:9) as active wickedness – Ps 139:1-17; Jer 17:9-10; Mt 11:25; 12:36-37; 13:12; 25:29; 1 Cor 10:31; Rev 2:4; 3:15,16; 21:8.
What many people today regard as “modern”, and “PC” is plain apostasy. Deliberate on Jm 4:4,8. We can only know God more accurately if we genuinely seek Him, and then only via Jesus Christ (Jn 14:6). Ponder as well, Jn 1:1-4,14,17; 6:32,33,35,63; 10:38; Mt 4:4; Lk 4:4; 8:21; 11:28; Rom 10:17. So, we observe in Jm 4:6-10 that for us to know God better, we have to humble ourselves and thoughtfully read His Word, The Bible, every day.
Many claim to only read their Bible (without “polluting” or corrupting scripture with interpretations or commentaries), audaciously citing Jn 14:16-17,26; 16:23-26; 1 Jn 2:20; even Heb 4:16, yet not really fully understanding Jn 4:23-24 and never really do a proper study of the context and supplementing information that proves and confirms in a magnificent and wonderful way how The Bible is God’s Word and ironically then robs God’s Word of its power (Mk 7:9; 12:24). So, we must carefully consider Acts 8:30-31 (Acts 8:27-39) …
We read of an obliging repentance as a change of one’s mind for the better, heartily amending one’s ways, with abhorrence of past sins in order to obtain forgiveness [remission] of and release from sins in at least Mt 3:7-10; Mk 1:4; Lk 3:3; Acts 13:24; 19:4; 1 Jn 1:9-10. Yet, some twists the gospel so far as to assert that that all people will be saved despite their deeds and/or unbelief and lack of repentance and then devises a false system, more palatable to the obstinate sinner (note Jn 16:9), that is easier for them to accept by avoiding and ignoring – or even deleting – words such as sin, redefining repentance [metanoia, G3341, μετάνοια] in Mk 1:4; 2:17; Lk 3:3,8; 5:32; 24:47; 2 Pet 3:9 and then avoid judgement [hell] by not believing that God’s righteousness must have judgement on [continued] sin (2 Tim 4:3,4). Consider Rom 11:22 and Jn 15:5,6. Even Ex 34:6-7 reveals God’s grace, mercy and Love united with His Holiness and justice [righteousness]. Sin is ingratitude in the extreme and is a failure. Ex 20:5-6 (Ps 89: 27-35 with Jn 3:16-21) also contains a deeper insight that reveals the tendency for sinful man to abuse God’s grace and mercy. Well, Jesus said He reject those who falsely claim to be His followers (Mt 7:21-23; 1 Jn 2:4) and Paul said of even the Israelites that only a small remnant of them will be saved (Rom 9:26; 10:1-2); furthermore, ponder Jesus’ words in Mt 13:24-43; Jn 3:3, and 2 Tim 3:1-13; Rev 3:16; 21:8; yet some preachers advocate that each and every human are/will be saved? What about Jesus’ stern warning in Mt 12:31; 23:15 (1 Jn 5:16-17!) or Paul’s in 1 Tim 5:20? Note that 1 Thess 5:9 should be read with Jn 3:16-21,36 and observe the “provided that you continue to stay with and in the faith of Christ” in Col 1:23 (Heb 10:26-27,38; Rev 14:10; 15:4. Even Rom 11:23 stipulates “… if they do not persist in their unbelief…”. Compare Heb 4:2). They then ignore a stern warning by Paul in Gal 1:6-9. Paul, in his letter to Timothy, charged Timothy to herald and preach the Word (2 Tim 4:2-4; Mt 28:19-20). This would make no sense if all were automatically saved and that this is a secret that must be discovered! The secret in Eph 1:3-23 starts with Eph 1:1 and Paul saying to who this revealed secret applies – “the faithful in Christ Jesus”. The mystery of the good news (Eph 6:19) was that all could be included in God’s kingdom on earth, not just one nation (Acts 10:34-35). But ideas of “universalism” are grossly heretical. It suggests that child molesters, baby rapists, Satanists and the like are all saved but they just don’t know it yet! This is absurd. It does not refer to the possibility that, when they truly repent, they may be saved by becoming reborn Christians because all sin was paid for by Jesus Christ once for all (Heb 10:14) but insinuates that they are saved while they are willfully remaining in sin and rebellion towards God. To be saved, one must at least be able to confess and follow Jesus Christ (Rom 8:14; 10:9-10). To claim this is not so, ignores God’s holiness (Lev 11:45; Mt 15:8,9; 1 Pet 1:14-15); and note that 1 Pet 2:18 speaks of a useless, fruitless way of living inherited by ascendants. There is a definite requirement to be saved as stated in even just Jn 3:16 and Rom 10:9-10. “Universalism” further ignores clear scriptures such as Rom 8:14; 9:27-29; 10:1-2; 1 Cor 6:9-10; Heb 10:26-31, and for that matter Jm 2:20-26 (discussed in “Apparent controversies in the Bible” para 5.17) to name but a few; and disregards the many examples and message of the whole Bible (Even the flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, Rev 21:8 and Rev 22:18-19). But we’ll look at the gospel of Jesus Christ closer as we progress through the meditations on this website. Refer to the meditations “The Gospel of Jesus Christ” and “God is Love”, for instance, and discover a perfect Father, Friend and Helper with infinite grace and love we sadly find hard to believe and accept and so miss out on a wonderful empowering joy in our beloved Lord Jesus Christ – Rom 5:1,11; Ps 21:1; 32:11; Is 29:19 (Jer 29:11; Mt 5:5); Hab 3:18; Zeph 3:17; Phil 4:1; 1 Thess 1:6; 2:19; Phil 1:20. Yes, dear reader, discover the joy of knowing God truly loves you, not for what you do or are but for Who He is…
However, this empowering joy in the Lord can only be found in complete Truth (Jn 8:32,36; 14:6). Therefore, for a start, carefully ponder Mt 7:21-23 (even Mt 3:6-9; 5:23-24; Jn 1:17) and for that matter, Eph 4:5 and 1 Pet 2:5 with Ps 127:1 (Mt 23:15) and let’s read on, shall we?
Introductory notes
- For those disputing the name Jesus, please refer to the meditation indexed “Who is Jesus Christ”.
- My statement of faith is one of the seventy meditations (excluding this introduction), listed in the index at the top/right of this screen. (On a small mobile device, to display the index on the right of the screen, switch the screen rotation to read horizontal in “landscape”). Consider, for example, “Religion vs World Peace” and “Ignorance about ignorance” as an extension of this introduction? Then be richly blessed with what you are offered in the rest as well?
- For convenience the underlined Scriptures can be read immediately by means of an automatic pop-up feature.
3.1. On a mobile device by clicking on the particular text reference
3.2. On a desktop by hovering the cursor over the particular reference - In our endeavor to find truth, a truly honest, independent study is indispensable to not simply be indoctrinated by a specific set of dogma of a particular institution (Acts 17:11; 1 Jn 2:4; Gal 1:6-9). This website comprises such an effort and resultant conviction(s); and yes, the author is open to commentary and correction; but will be found so audacious as to challenge our understanding of some formulary of some schools and churches; such as the order of baptism, or the christening ritual (refer to “Baptism” in the index); the office of the dead (Jn 14, expanded on in the meditations called “Church”); and the trinity doctrine; or the idea that a nation can enjoy a special dispensation regardless of their rejection of Jesus Christ as God’s perfect salvation plan (here the meditation “Israel racism” refers). Please note that this “challenge” of some doctrines of man is intended as a sincere and valuable examination and not in mere rivalry with strife of a party spirit as pointed out in Phil 1:15-18 but striving for the oneness in Truth found in Phil 3:10; Eph 4:12-16; 2 Tim 3:16-17 (Jn 8:32,36; 14:6; even Mk 9:38-40!).
- And please, for those meticulously and pedantically arguing the following of Jesus Christ presently [literally]- this expression is used to mean the following of His precepts, i.e. His teachings [commands and not the 10 commandments – Jn 1:17; 9:28 (expanded on in the meditation “The covenant and The Law)], it obviously is not implying we should be following the physical body He appeared in around 2000 years ago (before His ascension)! Ponder 1 Jn 2:4; or for that matter, Jn 4:23-24 and Rom 8:14 and let’s move on, shall we?…
Terminology dilemma
English is not this author’s mother tongue and causes a slight dilemma in how to refer to these writings that intends to share his Bible study notes; some, and parts of some, in perhaps a peculiar vernacular to some. The term “meditation” might be misleading for this website certainly is not advocating Eastern traditions or philosophies or so-called “mind and body integration” (that seems to have confiscated the term “meditation”). That this website is not advocating that kind of “meditation” will soon become clear when reading the context on this website. Even worse, is the alternative meaning of the word “meditation” as “murmuring” or “grumbling” which is a sin – Jn 6:43; 1 Cor 10:10 (Ex 16:7-8; Num 14:27,36; 16:11; 17:5)! The term “paper” or “essay”, again, is probably too ambitious for these are not academic papers. If anyone has a better description or title than “meditation” for these pieces, please let me know at Christian exegesis is the systematic interpretation and analysis of the Bible, particularly in regard to theological subjects but does not quite seem to fit as a descriptive heading for the different writings. “Discussion” implies a dialog but because we don’t have a direct debate [participation], it also is not the accurate term of reference I’m looking for. Alternative terms that could describe this process include biblical study, biblical interpretation, biblical hermeneutics, or scriptural analysis. These terms all emphasize the focus on examining, exploring, and understanding the biblical text in a scholarly and in-depth manner but still leaves me without the “Eureka” name; so, for the time being, please bear with the term “meditations” in the sense of considering, contemplation, pondering as intended by David in Ps 1:2?
Just as a matter of interest, according to one tradition, a school is said to originally have referred to an individual as a teacher who had pupils, literally referring to the eye’s pupil but as a metaphor of followers becoming enlightened to see what the teacher sees. Jesus of Nazareth called his followers pupils as well. So is the book Revelation, for example, considered on this website from the point of view that apocalypse in fact means to reveal and not how it is popularly used as describing destruction (The meditation, “Revelation, the Book”, refers).
The aim with the information on this website is to bury myths and bigotry and to destroy the hideous mask [used as a shield, a hiding place] called religion. Let’s hear and heed Jesus (The Word of God, Jn 1:1-4,14,17) in Mt 23? Religion(s) are the counterfeits of the faith spoken of in Eph 6:16 [that puts us to shame if it refers to Gal 1:6-9; 1 Cor 1:17-2:2; Jn 1:1-4, 12-17; 3:3,16-21; 5:37-40; 12:47-50; 14:6; 1 Jn 2:4; especially if, speaking of shallow reading, this intended faith is what diluted into our specific haplessness (Heb 2:8) as explored in the meditation “The Testimony”. It is of utmost importance to take note of Jesus’ statement [observation] in Mt 23:15: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, pretenders (hypocrites)! For you travel over sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes one [a proselyte], you make him doubly as much a child of hell as you are.” (Ampl) Paul reiterates this in Rom 10:1-2, “Bretheren, with all my heart’s desire and goodwill for [Israel], I long and pray that they may be saved. I bear them witness that they have a [certain] zeal and enthusiasm for God, but it is not enlightened and according to [correct and vital] knowledge.” (Ampl). Read verses 3-4 and the Scripture references in these meditations on this website for yourself and discover the startling fact that an accurate [deeper] knowledge of God, i.e. Jesus Christ and His teachings (Col 1:9-10; 1 Tim 2:4-5), is essential for true and truly powerful and effective discipleship. Jesus asked for disciples not proselytes, in Mt 28:19-20; even Mt 10:8 with Jn 14:12 and 17:15-20. Contemplate 2 Pet 1:1-21 (Eph 1:3-12) to see the utter waist to be [just] re-born, or religious, without accurate knowledge [of Jesus, Jn 8:31-33]. It is this knowledge (Hos 4:4-11) that sets you free from things such as fears, despondency, ineffective prayer and false ideas of self-righteousness. Now carefully contemplate Heb 5:11-6:12? So please don’t take the information on this website too lightly.
False hope
The world will want you to believe you are born innocent and inherently are a good human being and that the good is inside of you naturally. This is in fact a judgement of the outward appearance [acting] of man and is a dangerous delusion. Think why a child left alone, never corrected, becomes a delinquent minor. Ponder carefully 1 Sam 16:7; Jer 17:9; Ps 5:9; Mt 5:27-28; 7:21-23; Mk 7:21-23; Rom 3:13,20,23,28; 5:12; Eph 4:20-24; Col 3:5-8 and so on. Ex 34:7,9 distinguishes between iniquity (H5771, an inherent fault or quality of perversity, unrighteousness, wickedness) and transgression (H6588, rebellion) and sin (H2403, offence). Note here that iniquity (wickedness) implies to be bent. That is, bent towards unrighteousness and sin. So, only being born without ever meeting and knowing Jesus Christ is a self-destructive disaster. Your spirit, your God-consciousness, has to be activated by your choice (belief, faith) to be re-born – Jn 3:3,5-7 (Rom 12:1-2; Eph 5:1-20; Phil 3:9; Col 1:13-20). More about this in the meditations such as “The Gospel”, “The covenant and The Law”, “Body, soul and spirit” and so on.
Note at Lk 14:26. First, observe that the false messages of a cozy, fuzzy euphoria for a Christian [re-born in God’s Kingdom on earth], is unfortunately, for the hordes that fall for it, a diabolical lie. Hear Jesus’ warning of peril and hardship when we follow Him above all else (Jn 15:18-21; 1 Jn 3:13). Then, Lk 14:26, therefore, harbours no contradiction to Jn 15:12,17; 1 Jn 3:15 or even Dt 10:19, for we essentially are given an intrinsic and basic truth, namely that our Triune God is a personal God and that we should consistently follow [trust, believe] Him above everything and everyone, hence scriptures such as Dt 5:7; 6:5; Mt 22:37-39; Mk 12:30 and then Lk 14:26 should be found to be self-explanatory in Lk 14:27-35.
There is therefore no contradiction between Lk 16:26 and the numerous Bible verses that tells us that God wants us to love our neighbour and bless our enemies (Mt 5:44-48; Rom 12:14,18-21). God just expects us to love Him above all. What is more, God expects us to not grow weary, faint or slack but keep our sense of urgency – 2 Tim 4:2; Rev 2:4,7,10,11,17,26; 3:5,12,15,16, 21. That, spiritually, is the best place for us to be.
Connected to the issue of false hope is the, oh, so superlatively virtuous acting a self-righteousness in a so-called modern “political correctness” that really is just apostasy. The crux of this matter is found in Jn 14:6 and Phil 3:9. Consider here as well, scriptures such as Gal 1:6-9 and 2 Tim 4:1-4 with at least Jer 17:9,10; Rom 3:23; 12:1-3; Eph 2:1-10; 3:9; 4:22-24; 5:3-15; Col 1:10-23; 3:1-3,5; Jm 4:1-5 et al. What a futile and misdirected effort to advocate that rebellion against God the Creator will not ultimately meet the judgement and wrath of the most holy God – Rev 21:8. The meditation entitled “homosexuality” expands on this.
A crucial part of this information required for true Christianity is the discovery that it is not what you can do in attempts to impress God; but what God has done for you in Jesus Christ. True Christianity is not about heaven or hell [i.e. you and your destination and seeking perks]! The meditation “The Gospel” expands on this vital knowledge that comes as a freeing revelation to the person still trapped in religion (blind self-righteousness and a yet naïve perception of an omnipotent, omniscient, almighty God that is endless Love).
The implication of the above is so immense that it seems prudent – perhaps vital – to repeat. We have to grasp the significance that no matter how much zeal and enthusiasm we may have for God will it only be religion [still] and of no good use to our Christian purpose unless we have a certain vital knowledge of Jesus Christ (Phil 3:9-11; Col 1:10-21), at the very least that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh as the prophesied Messiah, our only Savior and Mediator between man and God, we then also have to believe in our hearts that Jesus was resurrected from the dead – then only, when we can confess this, can we be saved! 1 Jn 4:1-3 is equally clear that no one that cannot confess that Jesus has come in the flesh (Jn 1:14), can be of God! Only those that have this vital [minimum] knowledge of Jesus Christ [God], can be saved or even be called children of God (Jn 1:12-17; 3:3,16-21; Rom 8:14-17; 10:9-10)!
Note however that this salvation is by the grace of God and not our works (Rom 1:17; Eph 2:8). The righteousness we [in ourselves] can clothe ourselves with is but rags (Is 64:6; Mt 5:20) while God’s righteousness that He clothes us with is Christ (Rom 13:14; Phil 3:9). Observe the analogy of the grace and compassion of God right from our beginning when God clothed Adam and Eve to cover their shame (compare Gen 2:25 with 1 Jn 3:20-21). And so, after the original sin referred to in Rom 5:12, with un-ashamedness changing to guilt and shame (Gen 2:25 and 3:7,10) and an inherent motive to hide from God, do we get the assurance of Rom 8:2. Compare also Heb 4:16 and 1 Jn 2:1-2. See the analogy in Adam and Eve that made inadequate coverings from fig leaves (Gen 2:7) but God that took pity on them and made them durable coverings from skin (Gen 3:21). So we can, from Gen 3:21 trace a golden thread through Is 61:10 to Jesus’ declaration that He was [is] the promised Messiah (Mt 11:2-6; Lk 4:16-21; 7:22), and Jn 14:6. This is apparently what unbelievers struggle with the most, the perfect judgement of God (Jn 1:1-4,9-12;8:12; 9:5; 1 Jn 1:5) in part and then the tragedy that they miss the perfect love and grace of God in Jesus Christ.
Without God’s Holy Spirit (Mt 12:31-32; Mk 3:28; Lk 4:1; 11:3; 12:10; Jn 4:23-24; 6:63; Acts 1:8; 8:15-16; Eph 4:30; 2 Tim 3:16), without being re-born (Jn 3:3), you’ll in fact only confess a Father and Son [inaccurately] and not the triune God that Jesus demonstrated to us! The Word of God [The Bible, 2 Tim 3:16-17] leaves no other option to anyone to be a true child of God other than those who accept and follow Jesus Christ as Lord (Jn 1:9-17; 14:6; Mt 7:21-26; Rev 1:5-6; 12:10-11; 21:5-8) and His Holy Spirit (Rom 8:14)!! Not laws and rules that are none other than futile attempts of works in self-righteousness (Rom 3:20,28; Gal 5:4,18), that fail to grasp God’s mercy and grace (Refer to the meditations “The Covenant and The law” and Mixing Old and New”); but recognition of God’s rescue plan for us all – Jesus Christ and His finished work at His cross (1 Tim 2:5-6; Jn 14:23-26; Acts 2:8; Eph 1:3; 2 Pet 1:3,4); and then without manipulating us [without removing our free will]! It is a myth that all humans are children of God (Rom 8:14; Mt 7:15-23)! We are all designed [created] by God, but it is up to us to follow the Word of God – Jesus Christ (Jn 1:14,17; 3:16-21; 15:1-8), to show real results of a Kingdom on earth as in heaven (Mt 6:10; Lk 17:20,21; Jn 1:49-51; Acts 7:56) and then no other false teaching(s) or way (Jn 14:6)!
So, the implication is therefore that there is much more installed [provided for by Jesus Christ] for true followers of Jesus Christ than a self-centered aim to just be saved, for this ends up in mere superficial religion again (even Lk 9:62 as examined in the meditation “The Covenant and The law”). The true Christian should be able to heal the sick, drive out demons (get people – including false preachers – in their right mind and not stagnant in the blind religious play-acting and rituals without any real power), and raise the dead (Mt 10:8; Jn 17:15-21)! If you openly and honestly examine “The Testimony” on this website, you’ll be shocked by the waist of only being saved (selfishly only aim for heaven and not hell)!!!
God’s Word [The Bible] is abundantly clear that God hates falsity (Prov 8:13; 11:20-21; 16:5,18; Jer 23:11-14 ) and that there is no other way acceptable to God than through and of Jesus Christ (Jn 14:6; 1 Cor 3:11) and that there will be definite consequences to what we do with this information (1 Cor 3:12-15; Rev 21:8).
There is, however, much more to know that can set us free from our own [old] ignorant self, as stated in Jn 1:17 (2 Pet 3:18) and strives to move on to perfection (Heb 6:1-3). More of this is hoped to be discovered whilst contemplating the [information in the] meditations in this website.
- The serious academic is humbly asked to, concerning the perhaps annoying language, format and presentation, be somewhat lenient and consider the following?
5.1. This author is open to commentary and any input that can enhance this website. The aim is to obtain a genuine personal relationship with God through His Word, Jesus Christ (Jn 1:14,17; 6:43-51) and His Spirit (Jn 4:23,24; 14:26; Rom 8:14). For corrections, please feel free to contact him on
5.2. In response to a remark that the sentences are “bizarrely interrupted” (sic), the following: Accepted protocol is one thing, however, as the Creator, is it likely for the ultimate Author of The Bible (2 Tim 3:16-17; 2 Pet 1:20-21), as well as the Word of God (Jn 1:14; 4:23-24), not to be limited by one rigid and monotonous form of communication. This is touched on in the meditation entitled “Hearing God’s Voice”. The idea with “interrupting sentences” with Scripture references (!) is to have the reader experience the personal nature and reality of God without using me (another man) as the pillar and rock that only God can be (Jn 14:23-27; 15:1-12) and the fact that The Bible has a perfect ability to explain itself – if we are in the right spiritual place (Mt 13:17-23; Jn 3:3; 14:6-15; 15:18-23; 1 Jn 4:1-6; Jude 1:1-25). For this, the first step is to be humble before God and not be too lazy to in fact open His Word with ease and the serious and honest attempt to hear more from Him than what religion offers. Popular Christianese speech claims “There are more”. There is an amazing immediate pop-up of Scripture references in the mind that can in fact confirm that The Bible is in reality one progressive unfolding revelation and that there are – indeed – more… So, let’s see from personal experience if this is so…
- The context of this website is continually being attended to with care and good intent and therefore is it suggested that the reader “refresh” the screen for every visit to this website; but kindly note that palatability (that is subject to perceptions and information bias) is not the first priority, but rather to try and get to the unadulterated [Biblical accurate] truth (Jn 8:31,32,36).
Why are there so many religions in the world?
The answer is simple. Religion needs no [real] god! For it consists of rituals, ceremony, traditions and monologues (externalism) – all with the idea to hopefully win sufficient favor with the god(s) that particular man-made system has come up with. Mostly through man-made structures that manipulate masses with fear and so give their leaders untouchable freedom and a job with unparalleled power. Even the majority of what is regarded as Christianity will prove to be false and ridden with errors in reasoning [misunderstanding and misquoting The Bible]. A true objective study will show only one faith to be true with real results (Eph 4:5; 1 Cor 4:20; Gal 1:6-9). Ponder the meditations on this website to see if they make sense to you. Be open and honest. Be prepared for some life-changing revelations. For instance, the Law [of Moses] was not given to follow as a measure to save yourself; but instead to show the opposite! The meditation “The covenant and the Law” expands on this (Gal 3:19).
Key to understanding God more accurately is to comprehend the vainness of approaching God with any suspicion of any negative human trait such as underhandedness, falsity or injustice in any way, shape or form. The process that cannot happen, is to imagine that you can rid God of His sovereignty to first justify Himself to you before you will accept His perfect Love unconditionally. The meditation “The will of man, the will of God” hopes to bring you a life-changing revelation in your understanding of Who God is and who He is not. As for God’s true humility, consider even just Phil 2:4-13 (Jn 15:13; Eph 4:8-10).
When tragedy or adversity strikes, one often hears the statement, “Everything happens for a reason”. Now if this is just a superfluous [rather daft] declaration of the obvious (for every happening must logically of course have a cause and effect), that intends to sound like a great comforting wisdom [vague consolation], it might still be forgivable; but when it is meant to declare that God was behind something horrible in order to manipulate people, is it dead wrong and absolute nonsense and we should be more careful with the subject of our suspicion [ignorance] and blame. If God’s sovereignty means He does everything and wills tragedies so, why have clinics, hospitals or even learning and research institutions? Refer to the meditation “The will of man, the will of God” and “Christian Suffering” on this website for an exegesis of this theology.
It is unlikely that we are wiser than Solomon was. Yet, Solomon apparently went lost (1 Ki 11:1-11). This is expanded on in meditations [topics] in this website such as “Rapture raptured, p. 10/25; that gives a very plausible explanation for the mysterious 666. As Scripture refers to Scripture [is self-explanatory], we discover that Rev 13:18 can be understood perfectly well with 1 Ki 10:14,19-20 and Dt 6:5-8. In short, it probably refers to Solomon as a prime example! Our admonition is thus to be very wary of a haughty spirit and pride, of self-righteousness that ultimately culminates in lust and greed, the sign of a beast. A beast is self-conscious [soul] but not God-conscious [spirit]. This is the spirit that has to be born-again so that we can function in a trinity to the image of our Creator-Father again.
Be careful to not be your own worst enemy due to ignorance and [self-allowed] misinformation! Ps 119:104 says that through God’s precepts you get understanding, and that you should hate every false way – like God does (Lev 11:45; Rom 12:9; Eph 1:9-10; 1 Pet 1:14-16; 2:5)! He is Truth, Life and Love – the only right way (Jn 8:32,36; 14:6)! Let’s see if we can know Him more accurately, and not fall into the trap of empty religious self-righteousness, unknowingly devoid of an accurate knowledge of Jesus Christ [God, Rom 10:1-4]!
What is foremost in your mind right now? To be respected? Do you seek acknowledgement and admiration? What are we demanding (expecting) respect for? Can we call this longing a need to be loved? Or is there a step further we want to go, for instance to be admired to the point of being worshiped or is it just that we are in short supply of genuine love and truth. Can it be that our perception [unbelief, ignorance] is our most limiting factor? Why, for we have a promise of the one absolute way, the Truth, Life? Are we tired of falsity and disappointments? What, also, is it in us that wants to remain, to stay, if not physically then we pie ourselves with a remembrance that should linger in the minds of those still here on earth? If these questions resonate with you, then a hearty welcome to you, friend! May you find [right here] Love Himself! The decision is up to you!
We must first realize that we cannot demand “respect” while in stubborn conceit – Rom 3:23; Acts 10:34; Jer 17:9; Mk 7:21-23; Rom 8:14; Eph 4:11-16,22-25; Phil 3:8-10. Still, we have real Love available to us as we are! Also, if we are still seeking, we cannot be absolutely “right” yet, not so? It seems that this search of ours is often at a brink of despondency, of giving up, is it not? Why, we see “Christians” not really the “more than conquerors” they profess to be. They all seem to die (loose life) just like unbelievers. But why then, are we so blindly still looking at people – in reality and in the end – just like us?
What if there is a Person that was sent for us that is the only one we can really use as our example – and Savior – that paid with His Blood to place us back into the right relationship with our Creator-Father that made us [wants us] to be in His image – Love? What if Adam’s sin [unbelief] was to instead go for self-love and so lost God’s image, Love – until Jesus Christ showed – and paved – the way for us again… to experience true Love? No one else has this claim that Jesus Christ has! Try 1 John 3:18-24 and Romans 8:29-39! Forget self-condemnation and find Christ!
However, be very careful with your concept of love. God is Love. This love is not the syrupy play-acting and histrionic, salient, “pious” speech hypocrites come up with. Rom 12:9 admonish us, “Let your love be unfeigned, hate what is evil [twisted, turn with horror from wickedness], but hold fast to what is good…” We should then hate what God [Love] hates! Yes, the capacity to hate should be applied to loathe what is not of God! To see what God hates [loathe, detest, despise], contemplate scriptures such as Proverbs 8:13; 11:20,21; 16:5… A shock awaits those with false dogma in just 1 Sam 15:22-23; Ps 40:6; 51:16,17; 78:1 (1 Jn 2:4; Jn 14:6); Mt 5:24; 7:15-23; Jn 5:37-47. (What scriptures here have you skipped? Why?) Hos 4:6 does not say “My people go lost due to a lack of love”; it speaks of a fatal lack of certain knowledge. The enemies of God (in Heb 10:13, preventing His return) are then most probably false preachers (Hos 4:4-10)!! Selah with Heb 11:6.
Note that it is not at all what you or I attempt, but what Jesus Christ has proved and accomplished for us! But this is what we should have knowledge [experience] of. Righteousness does not come from man; it has come – in Jesus Christ – to man (Jn 1:17; 1 Thess 5:9)! No one else has this claim! We should have a more thorough [accurate] knowledge of God [Love] through Jesus Christ and His Spirit inside of us as a Guide, Teacher, Counselor; Friend… and then in a deep-rooted and sincere knowledge of a genuine relationship with HIM [Love] – Rom 10:1-4. The meditations on this website aim to expand on this Love that offers us His righteousness in His grace and mercy through Jesus Christ; and that it is a done deal! These meditations hope to make more sense of an otherwise confusing set of religious rituals, ceremonies and tradition (all mere empty monologues and externalism aimed at self-righteousness and self-condemnation).
So instead, people today, in this search, are tragically and unbelievably, running to their own alternative version[s] of a certainty, a faith. A religion that poses as science to make it believable and fact in the minds of those that fall for the lie that God and His Word has failed and is mere fiction and not true. What fatal error! For us, as the pinnacle in the creation of God, to deny Him in our ignorance and pride and then have the audacity to try and formulate our own alternative(s) without realizing our error is plain banal and absurd. The real problem with us has – just recently in history – been in that Book (The Bible) all along but missed by us because God has been largely misrepresented [ironically, by exactly this] by religion (systems of man consisting of tradition, ceremonies and rituals that are external). The revelation we hope to expose first on this website is that our [biggest] problem is ourselves. It is called self-righteousness. This requires our undivided attention and a serious [genuine] investigation. This is what this author wants to share with you – the answer.
His name is Jesus Christ. Please don’t give up now, this soon, read these meditations in its entirety and you’ll hopefully discover the biggest revelation you can get – what it is in you that longs to remain… and why…
So then, may we all hear and follow the Voice [precepts] of the one and only Creator God – Jesus Christ… continually (Col 1:13-20; Jn 10:27-28) …
Don’t be offended, but please realize that this website will not work for people too lazy, false or conceited to get into the Word of God themselves. This is not an insult to the reader; it is a fact that will become clear.
Let’s do a test-run: The meditations on this website are freely presented (Mt 10:8; Rom 8:32; 1 Cor 2:12) with the intent to obey Jesus Christ [God] above all else by being actively involved in our commission in Mt 28:19-20, heeding Jn 4:24; 14:6; 1 Jn 2:4 (Jn 3:17-21, Rev 22:10-13,18-20) and thereby intent to uncover and keep Truth [Jesus Christ] and to strive for unity in Christ. The author of this site does so in humility with Scriptures such as 1 Pet 5:5-6; and 1 Tim 4:1-7 in mind [with freedom as in 2 Cor 3:12-13, stripped from arrogance and pride by his own shortcomings, knowing we should not be thinking too highly of ourselves], then Eph 4:12-16!… You see, we might think we are OK by just confessing Jesus is Lord (Rom 10:9-10), but still without following Jesus Christ (Jm 2:19-20 that ties in with Phil 3:9; Jn 1:17!!). Note just Rom 3:20; Gal 5:4 – If we heed Jn 4:24; 14:6 (1 Jn 2:4-6) and understand Rom 12:9, we’ll understand Prov 8:13; 11:20,21; 16:5… and genuinely grasp Truth (Jn 8:32,36) and the enemy to a true Spirit-Life (Rom 8:6-8,13; 1 Cor 6:15-20) – the self!
This author will therefore not spoon-feed by writing out the Scriptures the reader can [should] contemplate him/herself, and pertinently avoid misuse of shrewd literary techniques, such as an excessively forced restrain, to avoid merely gaining the readers’ trust and so misuse God’s Word for own personal gain in whatever way, shape or form. This is not about yet another man and his empire but all of us personally knowing the same God and Savior in Truth. So, these meditations aim to candidly and accurately discuss with all who also desires to be spiritually more mature, what this author perceives as the genuine unadulterated Biblical Truth and the knowledge of [a personal relationship with] Jesus Christ; and where information seems to be faint in the Bible, attempt to deduct [hear, and point] honestly, obediently and accurately to Jesus Christ, God Triune… with Jn 4:24; 10:27-28; 14:26 and 1 Jn 2:20 in mind… God [Holy Spirit] give us the opportunity [acknowledge us] to use the intellect and faith in Him, that He designed and provided, to do this effectively. If you find this author to be wrong, and can prove it contextually with Scripture, please let him know (this invite, and contact details, are repeated at the end of this introduction and several meditations on this site).
A kind and humble note to the serious academics tearing this author’s writing style apart: perhaps rather focus on the contents and discover a new respect for the Bible’s ability to explain itself and its one, interwoven, progressive revelation of Christ in us when we apply Jn 14:26-27 (refer to “The Bible” on this website)?
The BOTTOM LINE to be remembered
Most people claim to be “bottom line people” (too lazy to bother with detail?). Here is the bottom line I found in the Word of God (Jn 1:14; 8:32,36; 14:6!) – Mankind’s problem, i.e., for every one of us, is the self!
Note however, that God redeems the [old] self instead of annihilating the personal aspect and identity of us as His followers (Lev 11:44 with Lk 1:49; Is 6:6-8; Rom 12:1-3). The self must not die, the old self must die [be renewed] so that the real [newborn, holy] Christian may be regarded as overhauled, renewed (2 Cor 5:17; Col 3:1-12). God will only manifest where His Holiness is revered.
It is futile and self-destructive to be stubborn and backwards in a misinformed state and inaccurate knowledge, no better than driving a new car backwards and when pointed out by someone, retort with “It doesn’t matter, I just like my car!” Check this idea with at least Rom 10:1-4 (Hos 4:6); Gal 3:1-5; 5:4,18; Rom 3:20,24,28; even 2 Pet 2:22… The meditations “The covenant and the Law”, “The Gospel”, “Israel racism”, etc. examines this idea.
This is also expanded on in the meditation “Lucifer Part 1”. Part of our design by God (in our DNA?), is to not want to be wrong. This is a saving mechanism when in Christ Jesus; but when it is in stubbornness a blind resistance [fear, twisted faith is wickedness] to merely not be wrong, it will destroy us and not save us! As an analogy: in our race we might be running very hard with perfect style, technique and good fitness; but what good will it serve if we’re going the wrong way? In a Spiritual sense, this means we should drop our “laziness” and “business” and make the time to check our ideas with that of God [Jesus Christ] first, and then make up our minds [choose right]! Note how the average “Christian” hear “destination” and immediately resort to ideas such as “heaven” or “hell” one day… as their own destination (advantage to self). This is not at all what 1 Thess 4:13-17; 5:23; 1 Cor 15:51-55 says! (Wait till you earnestly consider “The Testimony”!!!). Observe how this is the same mechanism at work!! A total blindness to self because the self is blind to itself – and this can also be an institution indoctrinating pupils with ideas of men!
The bride is not supposed to be married (“connected”) to the Bridegroom for the house she is going to live in, or the perks; she is supposed to have a real and meaningful lasting RELATIONSHIP with HIM – the Person – in faithfulness and commitment and uninterrupted continuation … for better or [to get out of] worse, for richer or [temporary] poorer, in [temporary] sickness (Mt 10:8; Jn 17:15-20; 1 Pet 2:24) and in health… as long as she shall LIVE… Does a bell ring somewhere? Observe how many “spiritual leaders” are mere empire-builders in the hope of gaining a good position themselves and how many “Christians” give to get – all in fact just for the self to gain while in shocking ignorance to God’s plan [idea, teaching, precepts, demonstration, Word]! Please read with this author through these meditations and really be blessed, in JESUS’ Name (not our own or that of a “denomination”) – Phil 3:9!
Note that the “daily bread” (Mt 6:11) is probably God’s Word (Spirit in us, Christ, Jn 1:14; 6:33,48-51; even Jn 8:32,36 and more shockingly, Rom 8:11 as examined in the meditation “The Testimony”). It should be a continuous process of digestion and feeding and not merely a ritualistic tradition consisting of pious externalism (ceremonies at the times that we set apart and call it dedication, prayer or worship…)
Credentials of the author of this website
His only ultimate hope is in Jesus Christ the Truth. Would it not be great if people could say about us what Acts 4:13 says about those followers of Jesus Christ? Peer review has a definite function although an irony also lurks therein that sometimes valid challenges must overcome a camouflaged tenacious resistance to change. (Mk 7:9?) But “no one writes alone.” So, this author is open to constructive feedback.
The aim/purpose of this website
This site will upset the backwardly obstinate or intellectual/philosophical snobs. Not intentionally, but by its nature (Jn 15:17-23). So, if you are upset – good! Let’s be genuine and honest. Don’t expect to find here a next Moses, pope, or priest. Jesus Christ is your High Priest… continuously – Heb 9:11-15; Jn 14:23-27… To persons rolling their eyeballs when reading some of these meditations, I would like to quote someone who said that “In all humility, what if I’m not out of my mind; but out of yours?” You might just find here – really for the first time – a Perfect Father above all presumptuous and brazen human suspicion; a Guide to any who is teachable in Truth; a Friend when everyone close to you flee from dedication to fearless Truth as a Person; a Savior to all who crucify all self-righteousness; a Counsellor not in it for Himself to have a status and a job; an unparalleled Teacher Who is gentle yet the Source of all intellect, creativity, goodness, grace, Life and Truth…
So then, in contemplating these meditations on this site, might you just get to know God more accurately and for the first time see Who He is and who He is not. We will read about Him until we meet the Person and start having real dialogues with Him in a real and lasting relationship. Please dare to read on!…
The idea is for us to go [back] to Jesus Christ and stop leaving our first Love for a futile pre-occupation with self (1 Tim 2:5; Rev 2:2-4). This self-righteousness is camouflaged and ingrained into humankind more than we like to admit. People want to follow commandments given to the “Jews” (them, Rom 9:4; Gal 3:19), even modern preachers, and so let Christ [His Spirit supposed to dwell within us] pass right by. God will not manipulate! In answering prayer, God might influence a cause or effect (bring something about) but not as humans do when actively doing something directly with corporal control or to manipulate as in extortion, bullying or coercion or to influence other’s opinions in a negative way.
This author will not be an accomplice to anyone’s laziness to study his own Bible daily. Therefore, will this author not attempt to feed you regular daily/weekly thoughts. The daily Bread is a Person (Jn 6:33,48). Too many books and internet blogs become replacements for the Bibles of too many busy people that prefer these easy palatable spoon feeds of daily/weekly thoughts, often totally unscriptural. This author has no ambition to look good or to make anyone feel dependent on him for guidance and insight. This is one reason why this site avoids smoke, mirrors and fanciful gimmicks; the sincere intent is to get to the plain and unadulterated Truth.
Consider also the meditations by this author such as “Prayer”, “Christian Suffering” and “The Testimony”, if you will… This will convincingly reveal how we have even the basics wrong and is the only logical explanation why we are so splintered (Gal 5:4,18-20; Eph 4:5) and without spiritual authority as “Christians” on this earth – yes, because of what was [also] mentioned in Hos 4:4-10! Because the “church leaderships” are guilty of Rom 10:2-3; Mk 7:13; 12:24; is Eph 4:11 attempted without achieving God’s goal with it (Eph 4:12-22)!! We have the wrong idea about even God and the devil (Mt 7:21-23): the devil wants us dead (Jn 10:10; Mk 3:4; 1 Cor 5:5 is explained in the paper “The Testimony”)! God Triune wants us alive and well on earth (Gen 1:28; Dt 30:11-19; Jer 29:11 with Jn 17:15-20; Jn 1:1-4; 3:16; 5:24,37-47; 6:32,48-51,57; 8:51; 11:26; 12:48-50; Rom 8:2,11,14)!!!
Contemplate 1 Cor 11:23, 30 with 1 Jn 2:4; Jn 14:6,9-12! (What “greater things” can you do today than Jesus did then, except not have to lose your body??! Is this why we have Heb 9:27 that clearly means that Jesus had to die so that we can/may live (the word men there, is anthrōpǒs [444] and is from anēr [435], a primary word actually indicating an individual man, a husband! Look it up in a Greek concordance). Is this why we were given Jesus Christ’s instruction in Mt 10:8 (Jn 17:15-20; 1 Pet 2:24!)? Hence 1 Cor 11:30 and Jn 3:16?!… What a fantastic blunder if “The Church” have had it wrong since the very first “division” (Rev 2:4; 22:18-21?) because we have even our definition of faith wrong by our own admission (claiming to not “see” people remaining until Jesus’ return/second coming – 2 Cor 5:7; Heb 10:38; 11:1; Indeed, Paul [actually, 2 Tim 3:16-17], this author agrees… 1 Cor 15:26 (Heb 10:13) and 1 Thess 5:23 to us all!
This author therefore believes (hears) that God has given us two sacraments so that we should grasp and remember to (a) Follow Him and His teaching/precepts/Word only [have ourselves be baptized], hence Mk 16:16-20; and (b) communion, hence 1 Cor 11:23-31. The feasts were for a different reason for a different people in a different dispensation [time] – Rom 9:4-8,25-27 (see the meditations by this author about Israel and mixing the old and new – Mt 9:16-17; Heb 8:13; 9:8,14).
God help us! (But God did offer His Help – Jn 3:15-21; 11:26; 14:26; Rom 8:2,11,14; 1 Pet 1:3-5; 2 Pet 1:2-4; Eph 1:3!!!; … it is us who stubbornly choose to ignore Scriptures such as Ps 118:8 and Hos 4:4-10)!!!…
Self-righteousness is ingrained – by definition – in humans much more than we would like to think.
Refer to the meditations on this website by this author such as “Mixing Old and New”, and so on for fuller exegeses.
Self-righteousness is the problem of mankind for it is a wicked [twisted] application of the free will God gave us. This causes us to completely and utterly and catastrophically miss what Jesus was pointing out in Mt 7:12. The following [mechanisms, traits, phenomena) are all based on [as a result of] self-righteousness:
– Not understanding God correctly (as in Is 45:7; Ex 13:3) because we fail to even realize that we’re given a conversation between God and a man there (like us?) who could converse with God while we can only seek ideas and explanations from other men (Jn 14:26-27? Rom 8:14?)? We are caught out. We are none else than [first] self-righteous play-actors! (See example 5.30 in “Apparent Controversies in The Bible). Just listen to the syrupy motivational [empty] sermons today without the power of God demonstrated (Mk 16:16-18,20; Jn 14:12-14 with Jn 15:5; Eph 2:6-10; 1 Cor 4:20; Heb 2:8…) … Mt 10:8 (Jn 17:15-20); Gal 1:6-9… Where are we? Are we absorbed in ourselves like Judas Iscariot was (see the paper “The Last Supper”)? Perhaps we need a serious and radical mind shift all while we think ourselves enlightened and a true Christian (Rom 12:2; Col 3:16).
- Law misused as retaliation instead of compensation [only!] (Rom 12:17, 19). Even Rom 3:20; 7:4,6,10; Gal 5:4,18…
- Acceptance of the “fact” that military capability [should] determine the pecking order amongst peoples; or thinking “democracy” is wonderful! (The majority decides right/wrong?)
- Religion (instead of a genuine relationship via Jesus Christ) – especially the false quoting of this fact! … Having said this, we take cognizance of Jm 1:27; but also in context Jm 1:6-8; 4:4-8 and Rom 12:2 with Mt 6:1-4. In other words, we have to grasp the distinction between a show of falsity, of futile attempts at self-righteousness and ulterior selfish intent (Mt 6:1-4; Phil 3:9; Jm 4:3). Note that Jesus pointed out that those who really did well, had done so without any expectation of any benefit for themselves in any way, shape or form (Mt 25:34-45; Lk 14:12-15; even Prov 14:32; 17:5)
- Religious institutions with their leaders as supposed mediators between man and God – 1 Tim 2:5-6; Jn 14:6; Acts 4:12; Mt 1:21… with congregation members blinded by ignorance [self-righteousness] – Hos 4:4b-11…
- Trying to earn our way into God’s Kingdom, even just for ending up in the better place (for and to our advantage only?) … “Good” people even – in fact – “give” to merely get [gain]…
- Failing miserably to understand Who God is and who not (Is 5:18). Even today many scribes (scholars) – just as many before them – fail to realize that they in effect teach people to be suspicious of God whilst pretending to “love” Him! This by suspecting God of being a sadist, murderer, [even underhanded] manipulator! Reading through these short meditations on will make this clear. And yes, this author humbly reads 1 Cor 13:9-12.
- This list can be added to ad nausea (Rev 3:15-17?); however, trusting God (Jn 4:24), we’ll stop here… in an attempt to clear this up, we’ll continue to the discussions in this website.
Perhaps we have become so full of ourselves (1 Cor 8:1) that we argue our perceptions and ideas with blind conceit but simply fail to hear God’s Voice, even if He uses quite clearly symbols such as trees. We so miss yet another golden thread such as connected by just Dan 4:14; Jer 2:20; 3:6,13; Mic 4:4; Zech 3:10; and yes, Ezek 6:13 and again in chapter 28 pointing to Jn 1:48-51 and Acts 7:51-56 (this enormously momentous incident is expanded on in the papers “Rapture raptured” and “The Testimony”. We are supposed to see the heavens opened [realms of heaven and earth connected] with Jesus Christ on the throne… our Tree of LIFE covering all of us who follow Him without end… Read more about the specific trees in the Garden of Eden in “Genesis to revelation” p 2-3/14.
To really know Abba Father as our triune God, in our beloved Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit, we need to persistently read His Word. This reading can bear no good fruit if it is done as mere habit or show, superficially, facetiously and especially not if read superciliously. We will, when serious about this Love, meditate His word day and night with an unrivalled hunger and a thirst and passion to get closer to Love (God). We will then study His word, ponder it in context (thus research and consider the context) – 1 Tim 4:13; 2 Tim 4:2-5.
If this introduction was tiring or against your belief, bear (bare?) yourself for something fresh/challenging to come. Following, are a few meditations. Check it with your Bible. If you find this author to be wrong in THE BIBLE, please let him know so that he can be corrected at (2 Tim 3:16-17).
May we all allow Holy Spirit to be our teacher and Guide, may we all hear Jesus Christ, our Father’s Voice… enjoy the Gospel of Jesus Christ…
Ps 104:33-34